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Commercial Mortgage Rates


How to Get the Best Commercial Mortgage Rates


Get a Lower Rate and Increase Your Cashflow

REICO | Commercial Mortgage Rates

We can assist with commercial mortgage loans in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta.

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Commercial mortgage rates in Canada are highly predicated on several factors. The type of financing (commercial mortgage, commercial development project, commercial construction, etc.)  will influence the commercial mortgage rate. It is important to note that different commercial mortgage lenders may have different lender guidelines and the rate may be affected if certain requirements are not met.



Prime Commercial Mortgage Rates

REICO | Commercial Mortgage Rates

Commercial, Development & Construction Lenders

  • Offer the lowest commercial mortgage rates!
  • Institutional lenders with CMHC insured products can offer the best rates


Alternative Commercial Mortgage Rates

REICO | Commercial Mortgage Rates

Commercial, Development & Construction Lenders

  • Solutions for bank declines and flexibility at reasonable rates!
  • Conventional lenders have higher commercial mortgage rates but they can usually be more flexible.


Private Commercial Mortgage Rates

REICO | Commercial Mortgage Rates

Commercial, Development & Construction Lenders

  • Will listen to your story and usually fund your deal if Tier 1 and 2 lenders decline!
  • Private lenders typically accept bank declines thereby making ‘impossible’ deals possible. Consequently, their commercial mortgage rates are the highest.

Inquire for rates, fees & LTV’s for Term Loans, Residential Construction Financing, Commercial Construction Financing and Development Financing. Also, low cost capital is available for Private Lenders, MICS & REITS. (Rates starting as low as 3.5%)

Important Factors Affecting Cash Flow in Commercial Real Estate Financing


Mortgage Term and Type: Fixed or Variable

When it comes to cash flow in commercial real estate financing, there are several important factors to consider. In addition to vacancy rates and expenses, the term of the mortgage and the type of mortgage (fixed or variable) play crucial roles. Understanding these factors is essential for optimizing cash flow and ensuring financial stability.

Let’s delve into these factors further. The term of the mortgage refers to the duration of the loan agreement. It has a significant impact on cash flow, as it determines the repayment period and the amount of interest paid over time. When choosing a mortgage term, it’s important to consider the specific needs and goals of the commercial real estate venture.

In addition to the mortgage term, another vital consideration is whether the mortgage is fixed or variable. Fixed interest rates remain constant throughout the loan term, providing stability and predictability for cash flow projections. On the other hand, variable interest rates fluctuate based on the Bank of Canada’s Monetary Policy measures, which are designed to support the country’s economic growth and stability.

It’s worth noting that variable interest rates can be increased or decreased as part of the Bank of Canada’s measures. These adjustments are made to maintain the country’s economic growth and stability. As a commercial real estate investor, it’s crucial to assess the potential impact of these fluctuations on cash flow and financial planning.

By carefully considering the term of the mortgage and whether it’s fixed or variable, commercial real estate investors can make informed decisions that optimize cash flow and mitigate financial risks.

Remember, in commercial real estate financing, understanding these important factors is key to maintaining a healthy cash flow. By staying informed about mortgage terms and types, such as fixed or variable rates, investors can make sound financial decisions to support their ventures.

Fixed Interest Rates: Stability and Predictability in Commercial Real Estate Financing

When it comes to commercial real estate financing, choosing the right type of interest rate is a crucial decision. One option that offers stability and predictability is a fixed interest rate. Unlike variable rates that can fluctuate over time, fixed interest rates remain constant throughout the term of the loan or mortgage.

With fixed interest rates, borrowers can accurately budget and plan their finances. The consistent monthly payments make it easier to manage cash flow and allocate funds for other operational expenses. This stability is particularly advantageous for commercial real estate ventures where reliable financial projections are essential.

By opting for a fixed interest rate, borrowers can protect themselves from potential interest rate increases in the future. Economic conditions and monetary policies can lead to fluctuations in interest rates, but with a fixed rate, borrowers are shielded from such changes. This stability provides peace of mind and reduces the risk of sudden and unexpected increases in monthly payments.

Furthermore, fixed interest rates offer long-term benefits. They provide a sense of security and allow businesses to plan for the future with confidence. With a fixed rate, borrowers can accurately assess the overall cost of the loan, including the total interest paid over the loan’s duration. This knowledge helps in making informed financial decisions and evaluating the feasibility of the commercial real estate project.

In addition to financial stability, fixed interest rates can be particularly beneficial during periods of rising interest rates. While variable rates can increase with market fluctuations, borrowers with fixed rates enjoy a consistent payment structure unaffected by these changes. This advantage allows businesses to maintain their financial stability and avoid sudden spikes in their monthly expenses.

Overall, fixed interest rates provide stability and predictability in commercial real estate financing. They offer borrowers peace of mind, protection from future rate increases, and the ability to plan for the long term. By opting for a fixed rate, businesses can effectively manage their cash flow, accurately budget their expenses, and make informed financial decisions.

REICO | Commercial Mortgage Rates

Superficial Mortgages: Look Beyond the Surface for True Value

In the world of mortgages, it’s crucial to avoid being seduced by superficially attractive offers that may come with hidden drawbacks. While a low interest rate might seem appealing, it’s essential to consider the long-term implications to ensure borrower-friendly terms and conditions.

We prioritize transparency and comprehensive evaluation. We go beyond the surface to ensure that you don’t fall into the trap of a mortgage that appears attractive but fails to meet your needs in the long run.

It’s important to understand that a mortgage with a low interest rate may not necessarily be the best choice if its term extends beyond a period when interest rates are expected to rise. A seemingly positive cash flowing property could quickly turn into a negative cash flowing nightmare if you’re not careful.

With our expertise, we help you navigate the complexities of mortgage options and guide you towards making informed decisions. We take into account your unique circumstances and goals to provide you with tailored solutions that align with your best interests.

Avoid the pitfalls of superficial mortgages by partnering with Reico Mortgage Services. Our team of experienced professionals will ensure that you receive a mortgage that not only looks good on the surface but also offers favorable terms and conditions for your long-term financial well-being.

Remember, the key is to look beyond the surface and consider the complete picture when selecting a mortgage. Don’t let yourself be swayed by superficial attractiveness. Trust in our expertise and let us guide you towards a mortgage that provides true value and meets your unique needs.

With our Mortgage Services, you can rest assured that your mortgage will be more than just a superficial facade. Contact us today and let’s embark on a journey to secure a mortgage that sets the foundation for your financial success.

Understanding Penalties for Breaking A Mortgage: Protect Your Equity

Breaking a mortgage prior to its maturity due to unforeseen events can come with significant financial penalties. These penalties can be as high as $20,000, potentially draining all the hard-earned equity you have built up over the years. It’s crucial to be aware of these potential costs and plan accordingly to protect your financial stability.

We emphasize the importance of proactive planning and sound mortgage financing strategies from the start. By working with our experienced team, you can navigate unforeseen circumstances with greater ease and protect your equity.

Many investors have learned the hard way that failing to have a solid mortgage financing strategy in place can limit their ability to seize new opportunities. By structuring loans properly, you can avoid arbitrary limits set by lending institutions. These limits may restrict the number of properties you can finance, the types and units of properties eligible for financing, or even impose constraints on the net equity per unit.

We take a holistic approach to mortgage financing. We help you create a customized strategy that aligns with your unique needs and goals. By understanding your financial situation and long-term objectives, we can structure loans to maximize your flexibility, minimize unnecessary limits, and enable you to capitalize on new opportunities as they arise.

Planning ahead and working with experts who understand the intricacies of mortgage financing is the key to avoiding unnecessary penalties and limitations. Our team is committed to providing the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions, protect your equity, and unlock your full potential as a real estate investor.

Remember, unforeseen circumstances can arise at any time, and being prepared is essential. Trust us to be your partner in navigating the complexities of mortgage financing, protecting your equity, and ensuring your financial success.


Penny Wise, Pound Foolish': The Pitfalls of Ignoring Mortgage Considerations in Real Estate

‘Real estate horror stories often have one common culprit: the selection of an incorrect mortgage product. While it’s true that securing the best available interest rate is crucial for maximizing cash flow, it is equally important to consider the long-term implications. Focusing solely on interest rates today without considering other factors can put your investment’s profitability at risk in the future.

Undoubtedly, obtaining the best interest rate is desirable, as it can significantly impact cash flow and contribute to short-term profitability. However, it is vital to recognize that interest rates are not the sole determining factor for long-term success in real estate investments. Other elements, such as the mortgage product itself, should also be carefully evaluated.

Choosing the wrong mortgage product can lead to a variety of complications that adversely affect profitability. For example, opting for a short-term mortgage with lower interest rates may seem appealing initially, but it could result in higher monthly payments and limited refinancing options. This can strain cash flow and hinder the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

To avoid falling into the trap of being penny wise and pound foolish, it is crucial to take a comprehensive approach to mortgage selection. Consider the following factors beyond interest rates:

Loan Terms and Flexibility: Evaluate the terms of the mortgage, including the duration and repayment schedule. Longer-term mortgages may offer more stability and flexibility, while shorter-term options may have lower rates but greater financial constraints.

Refinancing Options: Assess the availability and terms of refinancing options. Having the ability to refinance can provide opportunities to adjust to changing market conditions, take advantage of lower rates in the future, and improve cash flow.

Financial Goals and Investment Strategy: Align the mortgage product with your long-term financial goals and investment strategy. Consider factors such as property appreciation potential, rental income projections, and the desired holding period. A mortgage tailored to your specific investment objectives can help maximize profitability.

Risk Management: Evaluate the risk associated with the mortgage product. Consider factors such as potential interest rate fluctuations, prepayment penalties, and the impact of changing economic conditions. Mitigating risks through proper mortgage selection can protect your investment’s profitability in the long run.

By taking a holistic approach and considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that balances short-term cash flow optimization with long-term investment profitability. Partnering with experienced professionals in the real estate and mortgage industry can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the decision-making process.

Remember, the best interest rate alone does not guarantee the success of your real estate investment. Don’t overlook the importance of choosing the right mortgage product that aligns with your financial goals, investment strategy, and risk tolerance. By avoiding the pitfalls of being penny wise and pound foolish, you can position yourself for sustainable profitability and long-term success.

